British BTA Eggs Benedict

parker brushed gold flatware,
Rated 5.0 stars by 1 users Breakfast & Brunch Classic Brunch 2 20 minutes 30-45 minutes A British spin on a Eggs Benedict brunch fave, this recipe gets a makeover with crispy bacon and seared tomato & avocado that's fit for a queen! lollygag 4 Large eggs - Room temp & preferably Farm fresh or organic- See notes. 1 Recipe of Hollandaise Sauce 2 English muffins 4-6 Slices of good country style bacon 1 Ripe avocado-pitted and peeled- Cut into fat 3/4” slices (lengthwise) 2 Ripe but firm tomatoes- halved 1 Tsp. of white wine vinegar or white vinegar (optional) 1 Tsp. Olive oil- for searing Dash of Sweet or Smoked Paprika 1/8 Cup Fresh Parsley- chopped Salt & pepper- to taste Begin by preheating your oven to 375 degrees F. then place the bacon slices in a single layer on a large rimmed baking sheet and place it in the oven on middle shelf. Cook for about 10 minutes or until bacon is nice and crispy, flipping half way through time. Remove from oven when done, and set slices of bacon on a paper towel lined plate to absorb excess oils. Next, prepare your Hollandaise sauce and set aside- you will want to reheat this slightly right before use and if it is too thick you can add a bit of lemon juice or milk/cream to it to thin it out while reheating. Heat a large deep skillet -3/4 full with water on medium high heat. Add a splash of vinegar (optional-this does help firm up the egg) and bring to a simmer. Then turn down the heat to low- you don't want a boil at this point and give the water a swirl with a spoon. Then, one at a time, gently break an egg into a small dish and slowly slip the egg into the skillet or pan, being careful not to over-crowd the eggs. With eggs around the edge of the skillet/pan, repeat the process with remaining eggs. Cook until eggs are set (about 3 minutes), stirring occasionally with a slotted spoon to rotate them very carefully for about 3 minutes.(You will want to make sure not to break the yolks.) When your eggs are set, remove them from the heat, then carefully remove each egg from pan with a large slotted spoon and place each one onto a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Lightly toast your English muffins and set aside.(At this point you can either butter them or leave them as is- I find that the butter is just too heavy with the sauce but you can do as you like.) Next, heat a skillet over medium high heat and add oil, then add avocado slices and sear for 2-3 minutes, flipping once- until browned on each side. Remove the avocado slices from the pan and set aside on a plate. Then, add a bit more oil if needed to the pan and place the tomato slices cut side down on medium-high heat and sear for abut 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and begin assembling your dishes. Place 2 open halves of the toasted English muffins on 2 serving plates. Next, place a few pieces of Bacon- you can break them in half and place them on each muffin half. Then, carefully place 1 poached egg on top of each stack using a spoon. Next, place a couple seared avocado slices over the bacon. Pour a generous spoonful or two of warmed Hollandaise Sauce on top of each stack. Sprinkle a few pinches of Paprika, and chopped fresh Parsley. Serve the seared tomatoes and any left over avocado slices on the side and sprinkle with salt & pepper to taste. Serve immediately & enjoy! * The key to perfect poached eggs is using very fresh eggs- you can either get Farm fresh or when picking your eggs from the store, make sure to grab them from the back of the stack-these will be the freshest! * Serve with a side of golden breakfast potatoes or a simple Arugula side salad tossed with French balsamic vinaigrette and fresh grated Parmesan cheese. * You can also try other great variations like our Olympic Crab Benedict, New England Lobster Benedict or go for classic Eggs Benedict!British BTA Eggs Benedict
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Recipe Note