Quick Aioli Variations

Quick Aioli Variations

this is the perfect base for your Belgium fries addiction or any roasted potato side dish
so grab your favorites sauces and dig in!

Total Time


15 Min prep

about 4


  • 1 large egg yolk-preferably organic
  • 1 garlic clove trimmed and peeled
  • 2 Tsp. fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 Tsp. Dijon mustard
  • ¼ Cup Extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp. vegetable oil (combine oils together in a small bowl)
  • salt and pepper to taste

Basic aioli:

      1. Mince and mash up the garlic clove with a pinch of salt into a paste using a pestle and mortar or flat side of a knife.
      2. In a small bowl place the egg yolk and mustard and whisk together until smooth, then begin to add your combined oils a little bit at a time at first and when half is combined you can stream in the rest of the oils whisking vigorously until thick and smooth.
      3. add your garlic paste and lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.
      4. Cover and chill until you are ready to use.

      Note:  If the aioli gets too thick you may add a few drops of lemon juice or water to get the consistency you like

      Wasabi Aioli:

      • Basic Aioli +
      • 1 1/2 Tsp. of wasabi powder
      • 1 Tsp. of soy sauce
      Cajun Aioli:
      • Basic Aioli +
      • 1 Tsp. Cajun  seasoning
      • 1 Tsp. Lemon juice
      • 1 Tsp. chopped fresh parsley

      Zesty Aioli:

      • Basic Aioli +
      • 1½ Tsp. Sriracha
      • 1 smashed garlic(paste)
      • ¼ Tsp. smoked paprika

      Herb Aioli

      • Basic aioli +
      • 1 tsp. each fresh Parsley, Tarragon, and Chives (finely chopped)

      Spicy Mustard Aioli:

      • Basic Aioli +
      • 1/2 Tsp. horseradish
      • 1/2 Tsp. Dijon mustard
      • 1 Tsp. Lemon juice

      Garlic Aioli:

      • Basic Aioli +
      • 2 smashed garlic cloves (paste)
      • 1 Tsp. Lemon juice

      Turmeric and Dill Aioli:

      • Basic Aioli +
      • 1 smashed garlic cloves (paste)
      • 1 Tsp. Lemon juice
      • 1 Tsp. Turmeric
      • 1 Tsp. Cumin
      • ½ Tsp. of fresh Dill


              • If you are in a hurry any of these can be made with 1 Cup store-bought Mayonnaise


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